Our Story
Great Things Take Time
Years of Development and Testing
As many district heating pipe systems have reached an age where corrosion begins to impair the system and leaks occur, replacement is needed. This has previously been a difficult and costly operation involving extensive excavation. Minimizing or completely eliminating the excavation process when replacing district heating pipes requires a new relining solution. To date, no product has been able to withstand the harsh conditions of the district heating system — until PPR developed CarboSeal.
After years of development and testing, which commenced in 2010, PPR has created CarboSeal — a relining solution that withstands the high-heat, high-pressure corrosive environment in and around district heating pipes.
Read more about the product
CarboSeal is a PPR Product
PPR (Pressure Pipe Relining) Sweden AB manufactures and sells CarboSeal. The company’s head office is located in Borås, Sweden. We are proud to offer you the first relining solution for district heating pipes. We will be by your side throughout your project to offer advice and first-class support.
Our Timeline
CarboSeal development
First Steps: Epoxy
After HWQ launched the project in 2010, laboratory tests were performed on multiple versions of epoxy resin. It took about three years to find the right resin formulation and to confirm that it would endure over time. Initially, traditional reinforcing agents such as glass or aramid were used in the liner.
The Need for Carbon
During ongoing testing, it became clear that traditional reinforcing agents were unable to withstand the harsh environment in district heating networks. The decision was made to use carbon fibre, which does not react with boiling water and does not lose its strength or fibre surface properties over time. To ensure that the product could match the heat expansion of steel pipes, handle the high pressure and remain leakproof over time, a unique TeXtreme product was developed and applied in the liner.
It works!
After six years of identifying and refining the optimal ingredients for the liner, a number of pilot installations confirmed that the solution worked. However, one challenge remained: to develop a robust and scalable production process for the liner. In collaboration BKP Berolina, a solution was finally found.
Fine Tuning
During further installations, long-term testing and completion of production lines continued, along with the development of installation manuals, equipment specifications and delivery conditions in preparation for a successful launch under the new product name: CarboSeal!
The Product is Ready!!
The PPR team and its partners Oxeon and BKP Berolina are proud to present CarboSeal® that will help District Heating companies fix leaking pipe systems and renew their networks in a fast, simple, and sustainable way.
Our Development Partners
Together we are stronger