The Pipe Renewal Revolution
Why Choose CarboSeal®?
Transform the way you approach infrastructure maintenance. CarboSeal® is replacing subterranean service pipes and structures with little or no excavation.



CarboSeal® References
Efficient Rehabilitation by SFAB in Stockholm: CarboSeal Liners in Action
Read more ReferencesWe made it possible
A Unique Solution
No-Dig, no Interference
Trenchless Rehabilitation Solution
Relining for District HeatingCarboSeal is a unique solution for rehabilitating district heating pipes that are structurally unsound. This non-invasive method ensures that pipe renewal will have minimal impact on the immediate surroundings, leaving other networks and structures in and on the ground unharmed.
Closing a Gap in the Market
Relining for District Heating
Until 2021, the market could not offer a liner for trenchless rehabilitation of district heating pipes. The materials traditionally used for pipe lining cannot withstand the high-heat, high-pressure corrosive environment in and around district heating pipes. CarboSeal is the solution.
New from Old
Taking over the Workload of the Host Pipe
The system is designed to completely take over the workload of the host pipe, leaving it fully renewed. Distances of up to a few hundred metres can be rehabilitated in one working day, with little or no excavation.
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Latest CarboSeal® News

CarboSeal® Achieves Outstanding Results in Long-Term District Heating Liner Test
PPR Deutschland GmbH, in collaboration with AGFW | Der Energieeffizienzverband für Wärme, Kälte und KWK e.V. and Stadtwerke Neumünster,...

Norrenergi uses sustainable no-dig method to renew district heating pipes in Stockholm
Norrenergi renewed a pipe section in the Stockholm district heating network without excavating or replacing the old pipes. The energy...

CarboSeal passes the Test in Neumünster, Germany
Premiered in Neumünster District heating is an important pillar of the energy supply in Germany. The energy suppliers operate and maintain...