About CarboSeal®

The outstanding Benefits of CarboSeal® in specific cases

0 References


Navirum Energi / E.ON

Navirum Energi / E.ON

When Navirum Energi faced the challenge of renewing a leaking DN300 district heating pipe from 1969 under Söderleden E22. CarboSeal was chosen as the solution. The heavily...

E22 Söderleden, Norrköping, Sweden
DN 300
2 x 55 m
Installed by Pollex AB
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Södertörns Fjärrvärme AB

Södertörns Fjärrvärme AB

Swedish energy company SFAB which operates the district heating network in Tullinge, Stockholm, planned to rehabilitate a section of a DN 250 pipe in their heating network.

Huddingevägen, Tullinge Stockholm, Sweden
DN 250
2 x 52 m
Installed by Pollex AB
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Pražská Teplárenská

Pražská Teplárenská

In November 2022, the primary district heating pipe on Zálesí Street in the southeastern part of Prague suffered a severe DN 500 pipe burst, leading to disruptions in the heating...

Zálesí Street, Prague, Czech Republic
DN 500
1 x 42 m
Installed by Zepris
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Sundvalls Energi

Sundvalls Energi

The Swedish district heating network owner Sundsvall Energi, which operates the city of Sundsvall’s network, discovered a leak in one of the district heating pipes running...

Sallyhillsvägen, Sundsvall, Sweden
DN 400
2 x 107 m
Installed by Pollex AB
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Large amounts of hot water escaped from a leak in RWE’s main district heating line under the A44 in Aachen! In order to get this accident under control, tankers commuted day and...

A44, Aachen, Germany
DN 500
1 x 140 m
Installed by Quabus
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E.ON Örebro

E.ON Örebro

E.ON Örebro discovered a leaking district heating pipeline section under the railroad, close to the Örebro station. The pipes were emptied of water and inspected via video....

Västra Bangatan, Örebro, Sweden
DN 450
2 x 60 m
Installed by Pollex AB
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KELAG Energie & Wärme

KELAG Energie & Wärme

In the city of Pinkafeld, Austria, local network owner Kelag Energie & Wärme conducted a renewal of the district heating network upon identifying multiple leaks. One DN 100...

Siemensstraβe, Pinkafeld, Austria
DN 100
2 x 18 m
Installed by Quabus
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Vilniaus šilumos tinklai

Vilniaus šilumos tinklai

Vilniaus šilumos tinklai, a company operating the city district heating system in Vilnius, Lithuania, faced a challenge: a DN 500 pipe system embedded in a concrete bridge...

Švitrigailos str., Vilnius, Lithuania
DN 500
2 x 92 m
Installed by Poli
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Veolia UK

Veolia UK

In the city centre of Sheffield, UK, a 42 m long DN 400 pipe section needed repair. A traditional excavation solution was not possible because the pipes ran below a street with...

Norfolk Street, Sheffield, UK
DN 400
2 x 42 m
Installed by CPC Civils
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Korea District Heating Corp.

Korea District Heating Corp.

The South Korean district heating company KDHC installed a 30 m long DN 200 CarboSeal® liner in the district heating system of Yongin City. The installation was done by the Korean...

Yongin City, South Korea
DN 200
1 x 30 m
Installed by Litech
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PPR got the opportunity to install a CarboSeal liner in an above ground DN 200 test pipe in Neumünster, Germany. The testing site was prepared by AGFW and their project partners,...

Legienstraße, Neumünster, Germany
DN 200
1 x 40 m
Installed by PPR
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E.ON Malmö

E.ON Malmö

In Malmö, Sweden, energy company E.ON operates a district heating system in the area around Södra Grängesbergsgatan. The pipe system had previously undergone rehabilitation, and...

Södra Grängesbergsgatan Malmö, Sweden
DN 100
2 x 54 m
Installed by Pollex AB
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Energy network owner Norrenergi operated a district heating network in Sundbyberg, north of Stockholm, Sweden. The network pipes were ageing and needed repair. As the system...

Rissneleden, Sundbyberg, Sweden
DN 300
2 x 48 m
Installed by Pollex AB
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