Avesta, Sweden


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Working on a pipe at a power plant always comes with unique challenges, and Avesta was no exception. The leaking section of the DN400 pipe was located under a building—making traditional dig-and-replace methods nearly impossible. Adding to the complexity, the section carried water directly from the boiler at temperatures of ~115°C for most of the year. And as one of the main feeds to the network, extended downtime wasn’t an option.

CarboSeal® provided a fast, efficient, and non-intrusive alternative. To address the challenge, we relined both the feed and return pipes – 2xDN400, approximately 30 meters each. Despite the size, we managed to cure both pipes simultaneously, completing the preparation and installation in less than three days.

Choosing relining over traditional methods saved significant time and avoided the complications of finding new routes or working under the buildings. Logistical and societal savings were evident.

This project demonstrates how CarboSeal® can overcome even the most complex challenges, delivering results where traditional methods fall short.



Källhagsverket, Avesta, Sweden
DN 400
2 x 30 m
Installed by Pollex AB

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